Data Science and Industrial Internet2020(1)
he Theory of Computing Power Limit and The Hypothesis of Computers in Future
Author:Zhijun Chen, Chunxue Wu
Author Unit: School of Optical-Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, CO 200093 China

Abstract:This paper is a theoretical innovation of computer science. In addition to using some historical data of the development of computer science, the rest are all innovations.In this paper, the author tries to answer a big question: how will computers develop in the future?In order to solve this problem, the author starts from the past development process of human computing tools, clearly combs the past development logic of human computing tools, and creatively analyzes, refines, summarizes and names it as a new theory: the theory of computing power limit. Then, the author uses the past development logic to the future with the help of the theory of computing power limit, tries to reason and gives the development of human computing tools from the beginning to the end, from the past to the future: material computer - micro material computer - atomic computer - basic particle computer, zero-dimensional computer -one-dimensional computer-two-dimensional computer - three-dimensional computer, It points out the way for the future development of computer.The time span of the problem discussed in this paper is very large, from the beginning of human birth to the end of computing tools. General speaking, the longer the time span involved, the less concrete and abstract the theory is, and the more ambiguous and general the conclusion is. Therefore, limited to the authors own level of knowledge and the limitations of his time, this paper can only give the most general development context of computer in the future. More detailed supplement can only be left for more professional scholars and generations of future generations to improve.
Keywords:Calculation power; Computing power limit; Ultimate computer; Quantum computer
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