Data Science and Industrial Internet 2018(1)
User Identification and Tenant Isolation Model Design and Implementation in SaaS
Author:Ma Zhen,YuZhong Chen,Song Hui
Author Unit: College of Computer Science and Technology, DHU

Abstract:SaaS(Software as a Service) mode focuses on sharing the same system or program components in a multi- tenant environment. However, it does not have a uniform and abstract model for processing tenant data. It lacks an efficient solution for the user authentication and data isolation of tenants. This paper proposes a model to identify users in the system and isolate the private data of tenants. It identifies individual users with the tenant labels based on the authentication server token when web requests arrive. Meanwhile, the model provides the highest level of data isolation, which depends on the deployment of independent database and pretreatment of data source with authentication.The model has been validated in a case application and shows good augmentability.
Keywords:SaaS; Identification; Isolation
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